Compliance & Policies
Sample Health and Safety Policy
Having written safety standards for employees ensures workplace safety. Create a formal safety policy for your company using the sample attached.
Sample Work Rules
To create a good work atmosphere, a business owner must have well-defined rules of conduct for employees. Use these sample work rules for your company’s needs.
Summary of the Basic Conditions of Employment Act (BCEA)
As an employer, one of the many labour laws that will affect you is the Basic Conditions of Employment Act (BCEA).
The Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration (CCMA)
The Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration (CCMA) was established to provide the country with an accessible, user-friendly and, above all, inexpensive labour dispute resolution system. Workers who have allegedly been unfairly dismissed or the victims of various unfair labour practices are able to approach the CCMA alone or with certain categories of recognised representatives in order to seek redress for workplace wrongs.
The employment contract
Anyone who works for you must receive a document containing certain information regarding the conditions of their employment.
The law protects pregnant employees
If you have an employee who is pregnant or breastfeeding, it's important to be clear on what your and your employee's rights are regarding her pregnancy.
The obligation to work overtime
Can employees work overtime and what happens if they refuse?
Unlocking the legal issues related to your business
Contracts, tax legislation and other Acts relating to your business can be complicated and getting an attorney to help may be very costly. Of course, there is also the question of whether you even know what your legal obligations are. LawUnlocked provides an online tool that may be able to help you assess what your legal obligations are with regards to various aspects of running your business.
Use this handy Leave Request Form template to manage your employee's sick leave
Use this handy Leave Request Form template to manage your employee's sick leave.
What is the CCMA and what does it do?
A letter from the Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration (CCMA) is the last thing any business owner wants to get. But what exactly is the CCMA, how does it operate, and how can you avoid ever having to see the inside of their building? The CCMA was established to provide the country with an accessible, user-friendly and, above all, inexpensive labour dispute resolution system. Read on find out how their services and resources can help you avoid a costly labour dispute.
Workplace HIV/AIDS policy statement sample
With the potential effect the mismanagement of HIV/AIDS can have on businesses both big and small, it's important that you have the correct policies in place on how you will deal with HIV/AIDS in your company. This is not only a moral issue, but Labour Law legislates that all companies have a working HIV/AIDS policy. So where do you begin? Statistics show that SMEs are the hardest hit by HIV, with 10-40% of employees being HIV-positive. With that in mind, if you do not have an HIV/AIDS policy, it's time that you face the reality of the situation and find proactive ways of dealing with it, for your employees' sake and to protect the livelihood of your business.
Zero tolerance in the workplace
What does the Labour Law say when it comes to applying "zero tolerance" policies in the workplace?
A Guide To The Compensation Fund
When you have people working for you, it's not only important to ensure their safety at work, but also to make provisions should an accident or injury occur during the course of their duties. Registering with the Compensation Fund will protect you and your employees in this regard. Besides your legal obligation, a worker injured or disabled at work can be a major (and often unforeseen) expense, but if you belong to the Fund, it will provide the cover and avoid and potential legal action taken against you.
Fixed Term Contracts – An Update
One of the most important changes to the Labour Relations Act is the added protection afforded to employees on fixed term contracts.
First Aid At Work
This article sets out the procedures and legal obligations for an employer to insitute a workplace First Aid policy.
Do Employees Have To Bare The Brunt Of Load-Shedding?
The recent power outages have given rise to the question as to whether employees can insist on payment of their salaries or wages for the duration of such outages. In short, employees are normally entitled to payment during a power outage, but employers are not entirely at the mercy of Eskom. They can enter into a contractual arrangement with their employees to mitigate the situation. Here are five applicable principles which underpin why this is.
Dismissal Related To Transfer Of Business
Sales of businesses are a regular feature of the modern economy. Mergers and acquisitions occur all too often as businesses position themselves for a better share of the market. In all these commercial transactions, the interests of the employees should not be forgotten. This article answers the question: What are the current employees' rights when a business has been sold as a going concern?
Contracting Workers Outside Of The Labour Relations Act
Imagine a situation where an employer does not have a job vacancy, but agrees to accommodate a person as a favour. The person is employed with the clear understanding that if things do not work out, the contract may be terminated without the employee having recourse to the remedies afforded by the Labour Relations Act. Can this be done? This article explores this question by looking at a CCMA case involving the owner of a small business.